Site Identification
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GW LogID: DESC 5715 Well Log Database
GW Well Tag Number:
Tag Verified on Well: No
Site Type: WELL
Primary Use: DOMESTIC
Unused Status:
Site Source Organization:
Site Source OWRD:
Established By: Karl Wozniak
Established Date: 12/26/2007
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Latitude: 44.02580181 Horiz. Error: 100.00 ft.
Longitude: -121.13221854 Datum: WGS1984
Lat/Long Source: MAP 24K
TRSQQ: WM 18.00S13.00E11NESE
Tax Map:
Basin: 5 - Deschutes
County: Deschutes
WM District: 11
WM Region: C
LSD Elev: 3549.00 Accy: 5.00 Datum: NGVD1929
Elev Source: 7.5-MINUTE MAP
Groundwater Mapping Tool
Water Rights
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Water Right PODs
PODWRIS DetailsApplicationPermitCertTransfersClaimsupplementalpriority_dateSeason of Usemax_rate_cfsrate_cfsrate_cfs_estTRSQQ
POD 1 - WELL 1 > DESCHUTES RIVER WRISG 11332G 1052565696   12/20/19841/1 ~ 12/310.0460.046 WM18.00S13.00E11SWSE
POD 1 - WELL 1 > DESCHUTES RIVER WRISG 11332G 1052565696   12/20/19841/1 ~ 12/310.0040.004 WM18.00S13.00E11SWSE
Well Construction History
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Start DepthEnd DepthPrim. LithologyLithology Desc.Water Bearing ZoneWater Bearing Zone WL
0.00 4.00 Soil Brown Soil & Silt
4.00 7.00 Basalt Broken Gray Basalt
7.00 35.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
35.00 51.00 Lava Vesicular Red Lava
51.00 84.00 Basalt Gray Basalt
84.00 106.00 Lava Broken Brown Lava
106.00 113.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
113.00 124.00 Lava Broken Gray Lava
124.00 165.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
165.00 182.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
182.00 190.00 Lava Brown Lava
190.00 229.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
229.00 244.00 Lava Broken Brown Lava
244.00 271.00 Basalt Gray Basalt
271.00 289.00 Lava Soft Red Lava
289.00 370.00 Basalt Gray Basalt
370.00 371.00 Cinders Red Cinders
371.00 390.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
390.00 394.00 Lava Vesicular Red Lava
394.00 430.00 Basalt Gray Basalt
430.00 433.00 Cinders Red Cinders
433.00 439.00 Basalt Vesicular Brown Basalt
439.00 457.00 Basalt Gray Basalt
457.00 459.00 Cinders Red Cinders
459.00 510.00 Basalt Vesicular Brown Basalt
510.00 546.00 Basalt Brown Basalt
546.00 550.00 Cinders Red Cinders
550.00 561.00 Basalt Brown Basalt
561.00 574.00 Lava Red Lava & Ash
574.00 612.00 Lava Broken Gray Lava
612.00 616.00 Lava Hard Red Lava
616.00 627.00 Other Other
627.00 630.00 Lava Gray Lava
630.00 649.00 Lava Gray Lava
649.00 653.00 Rock Broken Rock
653.00 665.00 Lava Hard Gray Lava
665.00 678.00 Lava Broken Lava
678.00 689.00 Basalt Hard Brown Basalt
689.00 704.00 Lava Multicolored Lava
704.00 708.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
708.00 711.00 Lava Soft Red Lava
711.00 757.00 Basalt Brown Basalt
757.00 764.00 Basalt Hard Brown Basalt
764.00 783.00 Basalt Broken Gray Basalt
783.00 804.00 Basalt Brown Basalt
804.00 828.00 Basalt Broken Multicolored Basalt Yes
828.00 871.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
871.00 872.00 Cinders Red Cinders
872.00 886.00 Basalt Broken Gray Basalt
886.00 913.00 Basalt Hard Brown Basalt
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Measured Water Level
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Measured Water Level
DateTimeWater Level (BLSD)WL Elev (ft AMSL)OrganizationOWRDMethodStatusMP Height
1/10/1985  757.00 2792.00 DRILLER WELL LOG REPORTEDSTATIC 
1/2/1985  757.00 2792.00 DRILLER WELL LOG REPORTEDSTATIC 
Geochemistry Samples
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Unnormalized Major Elements
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Normalized Major Elements
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Trace Elements XRF
No data matches search criteria.
Trace Elements - ICPMS
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Flow Meter/Power Meter
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Available Data
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Aquifer Test Completed:
Geophysical Log Completed:
Water Chemistry:
Flowing Well:
Rock Geochemistry:
OWRD Recorder:
Other OWRD Recorder:
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Measured Water Levels
Source Typedate_mindate_maxcountminmaxavgjan_avgfeb_avgmar_avgapr_avgmay_avgjun_avgjul_avgaug_avgsep_avgoct_avgnov_avgdec_avg
Recorder Water Levels
Mean Daily and Instantaneous Recorder Water Levels
Mean Daily date_minMean Daily date_maxInst. countInst. minInst. maxInst. avgInst. jan_avgInst. feb_avgInst. mar_avgInst. apr_avgInst. may_avgInst. jun_avgInst. jul_avgInst. aug_avgInst. sep_avgInst. oct_avgInst. nov_avgInst. dec_avg
Other Identifiers
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Other Identifiers
Identity NameIdentityIs DuplicateDescriptionLink
USGS OFR 97-197 DESCHUTES 17005715 Caldwell, R.R. and Truini, M., 1997, Ground-water and water-chemistry data for the upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-197.
USGS SITE ID 440133121075101 U.S. Geological Survey SiteidReport