Site Identification
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GW LogID: WASC 3029 Well Log Database
GW Well Tag Number: 97096
Tag Verified on Well: Yes
Site Type: WELL
Unused Status:
Site Source Organization:
Site Source OWRD:
Established By: Karl Wozniak
Established Date: 05/25/2010
Bonded Company:
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Latitude: 45.66038000 Horiz. Error: 14.00 ft.
Longitude: -121.37128000 Datum: WGS1984
Lat/Long Source: GPS
TRSQQ: WM 2.00N12.00E18SENW
Tax Map: 2N 12E 18
Taxlot: 800
24 Quad: LYLE
Basin: 4 - Hood
County: Wasco
WM District: 3
WM Region: NC
LSD Elev: 702.00 Accy: 2.00 Datum: NGVD1929
Elev Source: LIDAR
Groundwater Mapping Tool
Water Rights
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Water Right PODs
PODWRIS DetailsApplicationPermitCertTransfersClaimsupplementalpriority_dateSeason of Usemax_rate_cfsrate_cfsrate_cfs_estTRSQQ
POD 1 - A WELL > MOSIER CREEKWRISG 9312G 879787850T 11443  7/17/19793/1 ~ 10/310.0800.080 WM2.00N12.00E18SENW
POD 1 - A WELL > MOSIER CREEKWRISG 9312G 879796057T 11443  7/17/19791/1 ~ 12/310.1100.055 WM2.00N12.00E18SENW
Well Construction History
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Well Construction History
Well Log idWell LogWork TypeStartcardWell TagOwner NameFirst WaterMax Case. Diam.Max Case. Depth.Max Seal Depth.Max DepthCompleted DepthComplete Date
WASC 3029 LogNEW 97096JAMES MORTENSON255.00   525.00450.001/23/1978
WASC 51839 LogDEEPENING20678197096REBECCA IREMONGER450.00   525.00525.004/20/2011
Well LogAquiferAq at Max DepthSystem AquiferRegional USGS AquiferLocal USGS Aquifer
WASC 3029 Columbia River Basalt-Wanapum Basalt-Priest Rapids Member Late Tertiary Basalt Aq Late Tertiary Basalt Aquifers Priest Rapids Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
WASC 51839 Columbia River Basalt-Wanapum Basalt-Priest Rapids Member Late Tertiary Basalt Aq Late Tertiary Basalt Aquifers Priest Rapids Member of Wanapum Basalt Formation
Well Test
No data matches search criteria.
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Start DepthEnd DepthPrim. LithologyLithology Desc.Water Bearing ZoneWater Bearing Zone WL
0.00 1.00 Soil Soil
1.00 39.00 Sandstone Tan Sandstone
39.00 70.00 Sand Gray Sand
70.00 82.00 Clay White Clay
82.00 135.00 Sandstone Gray Sandstone
135.00 146.00 Clay White Clay
146.00 153.00 Cobbles Cobbles
153.00 255.00 Basalt Gray Basalt
255.00 295.00 Basalt Gray Basalt Yes
295.00 330.00 Conglomerate Gray Conglomerate & Multicolored Claystone Yes 270.00
330.00 390.00 Basalt Gray & Green Basalt Yes 270.00
390.00 450.00 Basalt Fractured Gray Basalt Yes 270.00
450.00 471.00 Basalt Seamy Gray Basalt Yes 375.00
471.00 485.00 Basalt Medium Hard Gray Basalt
485.00 525.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
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Well Construction
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Feature TypeStart DepthEnd DepthDiameterMaterial Type
Seal 0.00 18.00 12.000 BENTONITE
Casing 0.00 158.00 8.000 UNKNOWN
Open Interval 18.00 158.00 8.000 OPEN ANNULAR SPACE
Open Interval 158.00 510.00 8.000 OPEN HOLE
Open Interval 510.00 525.00 6.000 OPEN HOLE
Measured Water Level
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Measured Water Level
DateTimeWater Level (BLSD)WL Elev (ft AMSL)OrganizationOWRDMethodStatusMP Height
4/12/2011  375.91 326.09 OWRD GWATER ETAPE CALIBRATEDSTATIC1.50
4/10/1991  308.33 393.67 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
4/28/1987  298.76 403.24 USGS GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
3/16/1987  299.73 402.27 USGS GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
2/12/1987  300.33 401.67 USGS GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
1/12/1987  301.55 400.45 USGS GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
12/17/1986  302.50 399.50 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
11/20/1986  302.72 399.28 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
10/14/1986  304.24 397.76 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
9/15/1986  305.81 396.19 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
8/18/1986  309.56 392.44 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
7/17/1986  317.74 384.26 OWRD GWATER ETAPEPUMPING 
6/16/1986  300.55 401.45 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
5/21/1986  300.70 401.30 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
4/16/1986  294.31 407.69 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
3/20/1986  295.15 406.85 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
1/15/1986  296.35 405.65 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
12/5/1985  297.59 404.41 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
10/16/1985  298.50 403.50 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
7/25/1985  300.50 401.50 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
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Geochemistry Samples
Sample NameDepthDateRef. StdSample LabSample SourceMethodStrat UnitStrat Picked ByRock Type
WASC 3029-5255259/14/2017 WSU OWRD XRF Crbg.Wb.PriestRapids.Rosalia Phil Marcy Basalt
Unnormalized Major Elements
Sample NameDepthSiO2TiO2Al2O3FeOFe2O3FeOTotalMnOMgOCaONa2OK2OP2O5Major SumLOI %
WASC 3029-52552549.643.6312.6815.22
Normalized Major Elements
Sample NameDepthSiO2TiO2Al2O3FeOTotalMnOMgOCaONa2OK2OP2O5Sum
WASC 3029-52552550.293.6712.8415.420.244.328.352.811.260.79100.00
Trace Elements XRF
Sample NameDepthBaCeCrCuGaLaNbNdNiPbRbScScFThUVYZnZr
WASC 3029-525525588685.924.321.527.517.336.819.74.632.240.340.35.22.4424.649.9158.0213.0
Trace Elements - ICPMS
Sample NameDepthLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuBaThNbYHfTaUPbRbCsSrScZr
WASC 3029-525525                           
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Start DepthEnd DepthStart Depth Elev.End Depth Elev.Depth ThicknessStratigraphy UnitSample SourcePicked ByEst. AgeEst. Age Err.
0.00 153.00 702.00549.00153.00 DallesFm WELL LOG Aurora Bouchier   
153.00 295.00 549.00407.00142.00 Crbg.Smb.Pomona WELL LOG Aurora Bouchier   
295.00 300.00 407.00402.005.00 EllensburgFm.Selah GSI Ken Lite   
300.00 330.00 402.00372.0030.00 Crbg.Wb.PriestRapids.Lolo GSI Ken Lite   
330.00 525.00 372.00177.00195.00 Crbg.Wb.PriestRapids.Rosalia GSI Ken Lite   
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Flow Meter/Power Meter
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Available Data
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Aquifer Test Completed: Yes
Geophysical Log Completed:
Water Chemistry:
Flowing Well:
Rock Geochemistry: Yes
OWRD Recorder:
Other OWRD Recorder:
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Measured Water Levels
Source Typedate_mindate_maxcountminmaxavgjan_avgfeb_avgmar_avgapr_avgmay_avgjun_avgjul_avgaug_avgsep_avgoct_avgnov_avgdec_avg
Recorder Water Levels
Mean Daily and Instantaneous Recorder Water Levels
Other Identifiers
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Other Identifiers
Identity NameIdentityIs DuplicateDescriptionLink
USGS SITE ID 453939121221201 U.S. Geological Survey SiteidReport