Site Identification
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GW LogID: KLAM 2142 Well Log Database
GW Well Tag Number:
Tag Verified on Well: No
Site Type: WELL
Unused Status:
Site Source Organization:
Site Source OWRD:
Established By: Karl Wozniak
Established Date: 09/28/2010
Bonded Company:
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Latitude: 42.43103300 Horiz. Error: 16.00 ft.
Longitude: -121.01050900 Datum: WGS1984
Lat/Long Source: GPS IPAD
TRSQQ: WM 36.00S14.00E24NESW
Tax Map: R-3614-00000-04500-000
Taxlot: 4500
24 Quad: BLY
Basin: 14 - Klamath
County: Klamath
WM District: 17
WM Region: SC
LSD Elev: 4542.00 Accy: 1.00 Datum: NAVD1988
Elev Source: LIDAR
Groundwater Mapping Tool
Water Rights
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Water Right PODs
PODWRIS DetailsApplicationPermitCertTransfersClaimsupplementalpriority_dateSeason of Usemax_rate_cfsrate_cfsrate_cfs_estTRSQQ
POD 1 - A WELL > SPRAGUE RIVER BASINWRISG 10909G 10126 T 14255  3/28/19831/1 ~ 12/313.8500.016 WM36.00S14.00E24NESW
POD 1 - A WELL > SPRAGUE RIVER BASINWRISG 10909G 10126 T 14255  3/28/19831/1 ~ 12/313.8503.834 WM36.00S14.00E24NESW
Well Construction History
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Well Construction History
Well Log idWell LogWork TypeStartcardWell TagOwner NameFirst WaterMax Case. Diam.Max Case. Depth.Max Seal Depth.Max DepthCompleted DepthComplete Date
KLAM 2142 LogNEW  HAMMOND & DOKE, INC (LARRY DOKE)350.001632.0030.00890.00890.0012/5/1979
Well LogAquiferAq at Max DepthSystem AquiferRegional USGS AquiferLocal USGS Aquifer
KLAM 2142 Klamath Volcanics Quaternary-Late Tertiary Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rock Aquifers
Well Test
Well LogTest TypeYield(gpm)DrawdownDuration (hr)Calculated Specific Capacity (gpm/ft)
KLAM 2142 Pump4000.024.024.0166.67
KLAM 2142 Pump3000.012.024.0250.00
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Start DepthEnd DepthPrim. LithologyLithology Desc.Water Bearing ZoneWater Bearing Zone WL
0.00 3.00 Soil Brown Soil & Gravel
3.00 70.00 Basalt Very Hard Fine Gray Basalt
70.00 85.00 Claystone Soft Red Claystone
85.00 190.00 Basalt Very Hard Gray Basalt
190.00 215.00 Basalt Fractured Brown & Red Basalt
215.00 400.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
400.00 425.00 Basalt Very Hard Gray Basalt
425.00 525.00 Basalt Hard Void Gray Basalt Yes
525.00 635.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
635.00 705.00 Basalt Fractured, Void, Brown & Red Basalt Yes
705.00 790.00 Basalt Very Hard Gray Basalt
790.00 825.00 Basalt Hard Gray Basalt
825.00 875.00 Basalt Fractured Void Basalt Yes
875.00 890.00 Basalt Hard Red Basalt
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Well Construction
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Feature TypeStart DepthEnd DepthDiameterMaterial Type
Seal 0.00 30.00 20.000 CEMENT GROUT
Casing 0.00 32.00 16.000 STEEL
Open Interval 32.00 890.00 15.000 OPEN HOLE
Measured Water Level
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Measured Water Level
DateTimeWater Level (BLSD)WL Elev (ft AMSL)OrganizationOWRDMethodStatusMP Height
10/28/2015  201.58 4340.42 OWRD GWATER ETAPESTATIC1.30
12/11/1979  206.00 4336.00 DRILLER WELL LOG REPORTEDUNKNOWN 
Geochemistry Samples
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Unnormalized Major Elements
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Normalized Major Elements
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Trace Elements XRF
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Trace Elements - ICPMS
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Flow Meter/Power Meter
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Available Data
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Aquifer Test Completed:
Geophysical Log Completed:
Water Chemistry:
Flowing Well:
Rock Geochemistry:
OWRD Recorder:
Other OWRD Recorder:
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Image/Document Library
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Measured Water Levels
Source Typedate_mindate_maxcountminmaxavgjan_avgfeb_avgmar_avgapr_avgmay_avgjun_avgjul_avgaug_avgsep_avgoct_avgnov_avgdec_avg
CMBE10/28/201510/28/20151201.58201.58201.58         201.58  
OWRD10/28/201510/28/20151201.58201.58201.58         201.58  
Recorder Water Levels
Mean Daily and Instantaneous Recorder Water Levels
Other Identifiers
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