Site Identification
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GW LogID: UMAT 4909 Well Log Database
GW Well Tag Number:
Tag Verified on Well: No
Site Type: WELL
Primary Use:
Unused Status:
Site Source Organization:
Site Source OWRD:
Established By: WOZNIAKC
Established Date: 09/23/2017
Bonded Company:
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Latitude: 45.95214000 Horiz. Error: 30.00 ft.
Longitude: -118.44866000 Datum: WGS1984
Lat/Long Source: GPS IPAD
TRSQQ: WM 6.00N35.00E33NESW
Tax Map: 6N3533C000400
Taxlot: 400
Basin: 7 - Umatilla
County: Umatilla
WM District: 23
WM Region: NC
LSD Elev: 838.86 Accy: 3.00 Datum: NAVD1988
Elev Source: LIDAR
Groundwater Mapping Tool
Water Rights
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Well Construction History
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Well Construction History
Well LogAquiferAq at Max DepthSystem AquiferRegional USGS AquiferLocal USGS Aquifer
UMAT 4909 Quaternary-Late Tertiary sediment Aq Quaternary-Late Tertiary sediment Aq Quaternary-Late Tertiary Sediment Aquifers
Well Test
No data matches search criteria.
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Well Construction
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Feature TypeStart DepthEnd DepthDiameterMaterial Type
Casing 0.00 53.00 60.000 UNKNOWN
Casing 53.00 83.00 10.000 UNKNOWN
Open Interval 83.00 125.00 10.000 OPEN HOLE
Measured Water Level
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Measured Water Level
DateTimeWater Level (BLSD)WL Elev (ft AMSL)OrganizationOWRDMethodStatusMP Height
5/8/202411:30:00 36.53 802.33 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
2/7/202408:42:00 45.39 793.47 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
10/12/202310:58:00 50.92 787.94 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
7/12/202309:27:00 51.97 786.89 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
4/25/202308:59:00 39.59 799.27 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
2/8/202312:26:00 43.80 795.06 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
11/1/202209:30:00 48.42 790.44 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
7/20/202212:49:00 49.93 788.93 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
4/20/202208:28:00 37.48 801.38 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
2/8/202212:57:00 48.95 789.91 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
11/17/202109:03:00 47.05 791.81 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
8/24/202111:11:00 57.40 781.46 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
6/16/202112:25:00 45.55 793.31 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
2/25/202114:09:00 45.58 793.28 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
11/3/202014:14:00 49.73 789.13 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
9/2/202011:24:00 54.65 784.21 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
6/4/202010:44:00 42.52 796.34 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
3/11/202012:31:00 50.63 788.23 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
1/30/202013:56:00 40.31 798.55 OWRD GWATER ETAPE CALIBRATEDSTATIC0.30
12/10/201911:33:00 45.87 792.99 WALLA WALLA WC GWATER ETAPESTATIC 
Geochemistry Samples
No data matches search criteria.
Unnormalized Major Elements
No data matches search criteria.
Normalized Major Elements
No data matches search criteria.
Trace Elements XRF
No data matches search criteria.
Trace Elements - ICPMS
No data matches search criteria.
No data matches search criteria.

Flow Meter/Power Meter
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Available Data
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Aquifer Test Completed:
Geophysical Log Completed:
Water Chemistry:
Flowing Well:
Rock Geochemistry:
OWRD Recorder:
Other OWRD Recorder:
Other Documents/Images
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Image/Document Library
No data matches search criteria.
Measured Water Levels
Source Typedate_mindate_maxcountminmaxavgjan_avgfeb_avgmar_avgapr_avgmay_avgjun_avgjul_avgaug_avgsep_avgoct_avgnov_avgdec_avg
OWRD12/10/20191/30/2020240.3145.5742.9440.31          45.57
Recorder Water Levels
Mean Daily and Instantaneous Recorder Water Levels
Other Identifiers
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Other Identifiers
Identity NameIdentityIs DuplicateDescriptionLink
WWBWC ID GW_061 Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council ID