Site Identification
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GW LogID: DESC 5578 Well Log Database
GW Well Tag Number:
Tag Verified on Well: No
Site Type: WELL
Primary Use:
Unused Status:
Site Source Organization:
Site Source OWRD:
Established By: KARL WOZNIAK
Established Date: 09/09/2004
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Latitude: 44.04740455 Horiz. Error: 100.00 ft.
Longitude: -121.32000732 Datum: WGS1984
Lat/Long Source: MAP 24K
TRSQQ: WM 18.00S12.00E5SWNW
Tax Map:
24 Quad: BEND
Basin: 5 - Deschutes
County: Deschutes
WM District: 11
WM Region: C
LSD Elev: 3615.00 Accy: 10.00 Datum: NGVD1929
Elev Source: 7.5-MINUTE MAP
Groundwater Mapping Tool
Water Rights
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Water Right PODs
PODWRIS DetailsApplicationPermitCertTransfersClaimsupplementalpriority_dateSeason of Usemax_rate_cfsrate_cfsrate_cfs_estTRSQQ
POD 2 - A WELL > DESCHUTES RIVER WRISG 5644G 494668702T 7009, T 14541  10/13/19711/1 ~ 12/310.9000.450 WM18.00S12.00E5SENW
POD 2 - A WELL > DESCHUTES RIVERWRISG 5644G 494685413T 9408  10/13/19711/1 ~ 12/314.8700.974 WM18.00S12.00E5SWNW
POD 3 - A WELL > DESCHUTES RIVERWRISG 5644G 494685412T 7009, T 13811  12/13/19711/1 ~ 12/317.5701.893 WM18.00S12.00E5SWNW
POD 2 - A WELL > DESCHUTES RIVERWRISG 5644G 494685415T 14541  10/13/19711/1 ~ 12/312.7001.350 WM18.00S12.00E5SWNW
Well Construction History
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Start DepthEnd DepthPrim. LithologyLithology Desc.Water Bearing ZoneWater Bearing Zone WL
0.00 5.00 Soil Soil
5.00 27.00 Boulders Black Boulders & Gravel
27.00 43.00 Boulders Tan Boulders & Gravel
43.00 70.00 Basalt Broken Black Basalt
70.00 101.00 Basalt Broken Black Basalt
101.00 106.00 Basalt Broken Gray Basalt
106.00 175.00 Basalt Broken Multicolored Basalt & Cinders
175.00 199.00 Basalt Broken Multicolored Basalt & Cinders
199.00 224.00 Conglomerate Conglomerate & Gravel
224.00 232.00 Gravel Black Gravel & Basalt
232.00 285.00 Basalt Black Basalt
285.00 326.00 Basalt Hard Black Basalt
326.00 337.00 Basalt Vesicular Black Basalt
337.00 342.00 Basalt Broken Black Basalt
342.00 367.00 Basalt Broken Black Basalt
367.00 387.00 Basalt Hard Black Basalt
387.00 445.00 Basalt Black Basalt
445.00 462.00 Gravel Gravel & Clay
462.00 687.00 Basalt Multicolored Basalt
687.00 707.00 Basalt Vesicular Basalt & Cinders Yes
707.00 722.00 Basalt Hard Black Basalt
722.00 723.00 Basalt Soft Black Basalt
723.00 727.00 Basalt Hard Black Basalt
727.00 728.00 Basalt Soft Black Basalt
728.00 765.00 Basalt Brown Basalt & Cinders Yes
765.00 771.00 Basalt Hard Black Basalt
771.00 791.00 Basalt Multicolored Basalt & Cinders Yes
791.00 793.00 Basalt Hard Multicolored Basalt
793.00 796.00 Basalt Soft Multicolored Basalt
796.00 799.00 Basalt Hard Multicolored Basalt
799.00 800.00 Basalt Soft Multicolored Basalt
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Well Construction
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Feature TypeStart DepthEnd DepthDiameterMaterial Type
Casing 0.00 46.00 24.000 STEEL
Casing 0.00 234.00 18.000 STEEL
Casing 0.00 706.00 14.000 STEEL
Seal 0.00 706.00 17.750 CEMENT
Open Interval 706.00 800.00 14.000 OPEN HOLE
Measured Water Level
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Measured Water Level
DateTimeWater Level (BLSD)WL Elev (ft AMSL)OrganizationOWRDMethodStatusMP Height
3/21/1978  247.00 3368.00 USGS GWATER UNKNOWNSTATIC 
Geochemistry Samples
No data matches search criteria.
Unnormalized Major Elements
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Normalized Major Elements
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Trace Elements XRF
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Trace Elements - ICPMS
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No data matches search criteria.

Flow Meter/Power Meter
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Available Data
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Aquifer Test Completed:
Geophysical Log Completed:
Water Chemistry:
Flowing Well:
Rock Geochemistry:
OWRD Recorder:
Other OWRD Recorder:
Other Documents/Images
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Image/Document Library
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Measured Water Levels
Source Typedate_mindate_maxcountminmaxavgjan_avgfeb_avgmar_avgapr_avgmay_avgjun_avgjul_avgaug_avgsep_avgoct_avgnov_avgdec_avg
CMBE3/21/19783/21/19781247.00247.00247.00  247.00         
OWRD3/21/19783/21/19781247.00247.00247.00  247.00         
Recorder Water Levels
Mean Daily and Instantaneous Recorder Water Levels
Other Identifiers
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Other Identifiers
Identity NameIdentityIs DuplicateDescriptionLink
USGS SITE ID 440251121190801 U.S. Geological Survey SiteidReport