Gaging Station Information

Station ID 14327137

Operator OWRD Status  Active
Source  Stream Flow Type  Runoff
Available Data  Mean Daily Flows, Peak Flows and Stages, River Stage, Low Flows

State  OREGON County  CURRY
Basin  SOUTH COAST HUC  17100306
Latitude  42° 54′ 47.524″ * Longitude  -124° 25′ 31.793″ *
Public Land Survey  31.00S-15.00W-1 * NAD83
Drainage Area  58.40 square miles Elevation  60.00 N88

Mean Daily Flows
Period of Record  10/01/2006 - 09/29/2012   Complete WYs  5

Peak Discharges
Period of Record  2007 - 2012   Complete WYs   5

Low Flows
Period of Record  No Low Flow Records Available for this Gaging Station.   Complete WYs  0