Entity Water Use Report


Records per page:
Acre-feet (AF) of Water Used
Water Year*Report IDFacilityOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepTotal Water UsedIrrigated Acres
2022 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.641.090.991.030.810.910.960.941.622.753.172.5618.46 
2021 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.971.991.591.451.201.531.962.613.735.014.652.7230.39 
2020 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.761.611.421.271.171.331.341.671.883.322.661.8821.32 
2019 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.581.621.541.511.281.321.331.802.853.073.782.0623.74 
2018 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.771.701.801.631.682.121.682.022.825.784.753.1130.84 
2017 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.962.031.371.511.241.351.331.392.564.034.292.7425.80 
2016 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.190.991.351.231.151.431.522.022.493.473.722.3322.89 
2015 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.240.981. 
2014 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)1.501.691.671.501.471.501.562.043.204.775.062.7728.72 
2013 11177 A WELL (CLAC 12939)2.541.751.501.511.421.501.592.992.966.494.652.6931.60 
*The water year is named for the calendar year in which it ends. Example: the 2014 water year begins Oct. 1, 2013 and ends Sep. 30, 2014.

  • Monthly amounts indicate:
    • For diverted rights, the total amount diverted during the month;
    • For storage rights, the amount generally stored in the reservoir/pond during the month, as represented by the volume of water impounded on approximately the same day each month.
  • Water Use amounts have all been converted to "acre-feet" (AF), regardless of the original measurement unit reported. One AF is the volume of water that will cover an acre of ground one foot deep = 325,850 gallons.
  • Zeroes indicate that a report was received, stating that no water was used during those months; if a year is not listed, no report of water use was received for that year