Entity Water Use Report


Records per page:
Acre-feet (AF) of Water Used
Water Year*Report IDFacilityOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepTotal Water UsedIrrigated Acres
2023 52277 POD 127.720.470.400.380.420.400.4026.1955.1855.4660.4533.37260.84 
2022 52277 POD 14.400.610.700.580.620.584.254.3221.3282.0860.5980.82260.87 
2021 52277 POD 113.750.360.470.420.380.4127.1929.1334.6059.3042.8851.96260.85 
2020 52277 POD 111.778.910.410.370.422.3117.7519.0016.4742.4555.6628.87204.39 
2019 52277 POD 121.342.820.490.540.565.542.4248.6154.8251.0063.3626.60278.10 
2018 52277 POD 117.402.300.410.430.450.403.5935.8141.1046.8748.7123.43220.90 
2017 52277 POD 113.340.600.530.440.002.400.5422.1152.4370.8566.4642.74272.44 
2016 52277 POD 119.880.520.520.630.540.5422.6827.4542.9561.9870.8937.58286.16 
2015 52277 POD 
2014 52277 POD 110.453.320.580.590.550.527.4418.1738.6039.5455.3147.71222.78 
*The water year is named for the calendar year in which it ends. Example: the 2014 water year begins Oct. 1, 2013 and ends Sep. 30, 2014.

  • Monthly amounts indicate:
    • For diverted rights, the total amount diverted during the month;
    • For storage rights, the amount generally stored in the reservoir/pond during the month, as represented by the volume of water impounded on approximately the same day each month.
  • Water Use amounts have all been converted to "acre-feet" (AF), regardless of the original measurement unit reported. One AF is the volume of water that will cover an acre of ground one foot deep = 325,850 gallons.
  • Zeroes indicate that a report was received, stating that no water was used during those months; if a year is not listed, no report of water use was received for that year