Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:50246 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:28002 OR * WILLIS D SMITH S-33074 S-26156 28002 5/4/1959 NC IR 17.00S-02.00W-26-NENE 101.3000
IR 17.00S-02.00W-26-NENE67 1.7000
CERT:44632 OR * REANOUS JESS COCHRAN S-42720 S-31918 44632 8/29/1966 NC IR 17.00S-02.00W-26-NENE 103.5000
CERT:37227 OR * WILLIAM L MCCULLOCH S-43120 S-32219 37227 12/12/1966 NC IR 17.00S-02.00W-26-NENE 103.6000