Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:50521 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:47079 OR * RIVERBEND FARM G-6026 G-5713 47079 10/17/1973 NC IR 05.00S-02.00W-06-NWSW37 35.9000
IR 05.00S-03.00W-01-SESE75 40.0000
IR 05.00S-02.00W-06-NESW37 8.6000
CERT:48181 OR * PHILIP E WOLF G-6988 G-6494 48181 6/11/1975 NC IR 05.00S-02.00W-06-SENW 48.8000
IR 05.00S-02.00W-06-NESW 729.1000
CERT:85997 OR * PAUL KIRSCH G-12945 G-11715 85997 6/1/1992 NC IR 05.00S-02.00W-06-SENW 422.0000
CERT:44873 OR * MARION WILSON S-46124 S-34460 44873 6/16/1969 NC IR 05.00S-02.00W-06-SWNW37 18.4000
IR 05.00S-02.00W-06-NWSW37 3.8000