Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:53034 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
PERMIT: S 48999 * ROBERT L COOK S-68211 S-48999 10/25/1984 NC DN 27.00S-13.00W-02-SWNE   
CERT:92064 OR * FRANK MCFARLANE S-69455 S-50376 92064 11/10/1987 NC DO 27.00S-13.00W-02-SWNE   
IR 27.00S-13.00W-02-SWNE  0.0600
CERT:68046 OR * HELEN COSTELLO S-69607 S-50419 68046 5/9/1988 NC IR 27.00S-13.00W-02-SWNE  1.5000