Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:53522 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:26339 OR * FRANK B ROOD JR S-29333 S-23930 26339 7/19/1954 NC IR 25.00S-12.00W-13-NESE  0.3000
CERT:53523 OR * ROLLAND/MARK BEATTIE S-55078 S-41324 53523 1/4/1977 NC IR 25.00S-11.00W-18-NWSW 101.4000
IR 25.00S-12.00W-13-NESE 320.4000
CERT:84625 OR * CLAIR ROOD S-72648 S-51567 84625 9/2/1992 NC IR 25.00S-12.00W-13-  40.7000
IR 25.00S-12.00W-13-  56.5000
IR 25.00S-12.00W-13-  710.6000
IR 25.00S-12.00W-13-  622.2000
LV 25.00S-12.00W-13-  4 
LV 25.00S-12.00W-13-  5 
LV 25.00S-12.00W-13-  6 
LV 25.00S-12.00W-13-  7