Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:56086 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:SW 612 * REGINA PEIRSON 12/31/1875 NC DN 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
12/31/1874 NC DN 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
CLAIM:SW 636 * FRED MESSERLE AND SONS INC. 6/30/1907 NC DO 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
CLAIM:SW 612 * REGINA PEIRSON 12/31/1875 NC IR 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
12/31/1874 NC IR 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
CLAIM:SW 636 * FRED MESSERLE AND SONS INC. 6/30/1907 NC LV 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
CLAIM:SW 612 * REGINA PEIRSON 12/31/1874 NC LV 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
12/31/1875 NC LV 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
CERT:7367 OR * GEORGE R GRAY S-11476 S-7927 7367 5/14/1927 NC DO 26.00S-12.00W-29-    
CERT:43124 OR * SUNMER WATER CORP. S-46154 S-34481 43124 6/24/1969 NC DO 26.00S-12.00W-29-SESE