Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:57142 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
APP: P 78815 * ROBERT HARTMAN P-78815 12/28/1994 NC LV 39.00S-01.00E-02-    
LV 39.00S-01.00E-02-    
CERT:79212 OR * TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT S-2325 S-1382 79212 NC IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  0.7000
CERT:83727 CF * GAIL MCGARRY S-28535 S-25915 83727 NC IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  16.9000
IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  1.2000
IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  1.1000
IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  2.3000
IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  1.5000
IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  0.8000
IR 39.00S-01.00E-02-NWSE  24.1000
IS 39.00S-01.00E-02-SWNE  0.7000