Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:66781 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:29539 OR * POPE & TALBOT INC. R-22494 R-882 29539 5/2/1947 NC IM 21.00S-03.00E-15-SESW   
IM 21.00S-03.00E-22-NWNW   
IM 21.00S-03.00E-15-SWSW   
IM 21.00S-03.00E-22-SENW   
CERT:29540 OR * POPE & TALBOT INC. S-21930 S-17689 29540 8/29/1946 NC IM 21.00S-03.00E-15-SESW   
IM 21.00S-03.00E-22-NWNW   
IM 21.00S-03.00E-15-SWSW   
IM 21.00S-03.00E-22-SENW   
CERT:58906 OR * SUMMIT VIEW WATER SYSTEM S-59748 S-45853 58906 10/6/1980 NC CM 21.00S-03.00E-15-SWSW   
CM 21.00S-03.00E-22-NWNW   
CM 21.00S-03.00E-22-SENW   
DN 21.00S-03.00E-22-SENW   
DN 21.00S-03.00E-22-NWNW   
DN 21.00S-03.00E-15-SESW