Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:72401 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:90266 OR * JELD WEN INC. G-10815 G-10090 90266 9/17/1982 NC PA 38.00S-09.00E-19-NESW 10 
PA 38.00S-09.00E-19-NWSW 9 
CERT:65791 OR * TRENDWEST INC. G-11550 G-10654 65791 7/2/1986 NC IR 38.00S-09.00E-19-NESW 30.1000
IR 38.00S-09.00E-19-NESW 51.5000
IR 38.00S-09.00E-19-NESW 102.9000
IR 38.00S-09.00E-19-NWSW 98.4000
APP: G 17983 * JELD WEN INC. G-17983 1/16/2015 NC IM 38.00S-09.00E-19-NWSE   
IM 38.00S-09.00E-19-NESW   
IM 38.00S-09.00E-19-NWSW   
IM 38.00S-09.00E-19-SESW   
IM 38.00S-09.00E-19-SWSW   
APP: LL 1784 * JELD-WEN INC. LL-1784 NC IM 38.00S-09.00E-19-NWSE