Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:76349 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:35286 (M 165 RR) * WILLIAM NICHOLS JOHN DAY RIVER (F) 35286 1/1/1889 NC IR 09.00S-25.00E-09-NESE  12.0000
CERT:45843 CF * EUGENE TROST S-11572 S-8011 45843 6/21/1927 NC IR 09.00S-25.00E-10-SWNW  2.0000
CERT:46647 OR * DICK GRIFFITH S-52767 S-39721 46647 2/7/1975 NC IR 09.00S-25.00E-10-NWSW  11.0000
CERT:76430 OR * JAMES G DOHERTY S-59736 S-45209 76430 1/28/1980 NC IR 09.00S-25.00E-10-NWSW  4.1000
CERT:82934 OR * RICK STANLEY S-66964 S-48138 82934 9/29/1983 NC IR 09.00S-25.00E-09-NESE  12.8000