Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:76974 ( RR) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:77326 CF ( RR) * JUNIPER FLAT DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT CO. WHITE RIVER 77326 7/1/1903 NC IR 05.00S-12.00E-19-SESW  20.0000
CERT:91446 CF * COUNTY OF WASCO; PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT S-26814 S-20946 91446 1/25/1952 NC IM 05.00S-12.00E-19-SESW   
CERT:77733 CF ( RR) * JUNIPER FLAT DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT CO. S-32044 S-25275 77733 11/11/1915 NC IS 05.00S-12.00E-19-SESW  20.0000
CERT:82692 OR * COUNTY OF WASCO; WASCO COUNTY COURTHOUSE S-58344 S-44210 82692 6/26/1979 NC RW 05.00S-12.00E-19-SESW   
PERMIT: S 54068 * JUNIPER FLAT DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT CO. S-60453 S-54068 5/14/1990 NC IS 05.00S-12.00E-19-SESW  17.4000