Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:79243 (T 8734 RR) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:1756 OR * J BINFORD WEST PRONG LITTLE WALLA WALLA RIVER 1756 12/31/1895 NC I* 06.00N-35.00E-16-  39.0000
CERT:54528 ( RR) * G RENCKEN EAST MUD CREEK 54528 12/31/1890 NC I* 06.00N-35.00E-16-SESW  4.0000
CERT:79244 (T 8734 RR) * A SMITH EAST MUD CREEK 79244 12/31/1895 NC IR 06.00N-35.00E-16-SESW  4.1100
LV 06.00N-35.00E-16-SESW   
CERT:88273 CF * RUTH RENCKEN G-847 G-762 88273 1/27/1958 NC IR 06.00N-35.00E-16-SESW  27.8900
CERT:40902 OR * DONALD RENCKEN G-4169 G-3918 40902 12/27/1967 NC IR 06.00N-35.00E-16-SESW  3.5000
IS 06.00N-35.00E-16-SESW  4.0000