Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 15512 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:2616 OR * FRANK SHERMAN UMATILLA RIVER 2616 12/31/1904 NC DO 01.00N-32.00E-34-NWNE   
DO 01.00N-32.00E-34-SWNE   
IR 01.00N-32.00E-34-NWNE  16.5000
IR 01.00N-32.00E-34-SWNE  6.0000
LV 01.00N-32.00E-34-NWNE   
LV 01.00N-32.00E-34-SWNE   
CERT:50925 ( RR) * CLARENCE C HOEFT G-4751 G-4469 50925 1/6/1969 NC IR 01.00N-32.00E-34-NWNE  2.4000
IS 01.00N-32.00E-34-NWNE  20.4000
IS 01.00N-32.00E-34-SWNE  2.4000
CERT:59836 OR * OREGON WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT MF-220 59836 11/3/1983 NC F1 01.00N-32.00E-34-SWNE   
F1 01.00N-32.00E-34-NWNE   
CERT:11548 OR * ROBERT HOEFT S-15719 S-11576 11548 2/22/1935 NC IR 01.00N-32.00E-34-NWNE  7.0000
IR 01.00N-32.00E-34-SWNE  7.6000