Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Inchoate: T 8553 CF (REG) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:52211 OR * WILLIAM RAJNUS JR R-53546 R-6238 52211 8/15/1975 NC IS 40.00S-12.00E-18-SENE   
INCHOATE: T 8553 CF (REG) * RUSSELL COCHRAN U-326 U-301 9/2/1949 NC IR 40.00S-11.00E-12-SENE  33.0000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-SENE  1.8000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-NENW  30.4000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-NWNE  28.4000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-NWNW 17.4000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-SWNE  17.4000
INCHOATE: T 8553 CF (REG) * THE LUCKY Y RANCH U-534 U-650 NC IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-NESE  5.8000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-SENE  1.8000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-NWSE  16.8000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-18-SWNE  8.2000