Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Inchoate: T 7486 CF (REG) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:83812 ( RR) * POWDER VALLEY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT POWDER RIVER 83812 12/31/1888 NC IR 07.00S-39.00E-20-NWNW  40.0000
IR 07.00S-39.00E-19-NENE  40.0000
CERT:95449 OR * ELIZABETH KRAMER G-14276 G-13134 95449 3/21/1996 NC IS 07.00S-39.00E-20-NWNW  35.0000
IS 07.00S-39.00E-19-NENE  35.7000
APP: P 74379 * L M INGRAM P-74379 7/29/1994 NC LV 07.00S-39.00E-20-    
CERT:80894 (T 7486 RR) * JOHN PROEBSTEL S-13870 S-18316 80894 12/10/1930 NC IS 07.00S-39.00E-20-NWNW  14.0000
IS 07.00S-39.00E-19-NENE  17.3000