Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as App: G 16217

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
INCHOATE: T 9919 CF CR (REG) * JAMES MILLER G-11808 G-10809 4/13/1988 NC IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SENE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-NESE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-NESW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-SWNW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-NWSW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-NWSE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SWSE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SESW   
PERMIT: G 16101 * ROGUE AGGREGATES INC. G-16217 G-16101 3/24/2004 NC IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SENE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-NESE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SESE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-SENW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-NWSE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-NESW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-NWSE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SWSE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SESW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-SWSW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-SWNW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-SWSE   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-NWSW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-04-SESW   
IM 39.00S-02.00E-05-SWNE   
CERT:84971 OR * JAMES MILLER S-84551 S-53924 84971 9/25/2000 NC LV 39.00S-02.00E-04-SESW   
WI 39.00S-02.00E-04-SESW