Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:82170 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:28272 OR * ERNEST KEY G-55 G-154 28272 2/1/1955 NC IR 05.00N-35.00E-06-NWNE  2.2000
IR 05.00N-35.00E-06-NENW  37.2000
IR 06.00N-35.00E-31-SWSW  38.5000
IR 06.00N-35.00E-31-SWSE  1.4000
IR 06.00N-35.00E-31-SESW  36.6000
CERT:93042 OR * CITY OF MILTON FREEWATER R-69553 R-11219 93042 2/1/1988 NC ST 06.00N-35.00E-31-SWSE   
ST 06.00N-35.00E-31-SESW   
CERT:93030 OR * CITY OF MILTON FREEWATER S-69266 S-50962 93030 9/2/1987 NC IR 06.00N-35.00E-31-SWSE  12.4000
IR 06.00N-35.00E-31-SESW  3.0000
IS 06.00N-35.00E-31-SESW  36.6000
IS 06.00N-35.00E-31-SWSE  1.4000
IS 05.00N-35.00E-06-NWNE  39.6000
IS 05.00N-35.00E-06-NENW  31.4000
IS 05.00N-35.00E-06-NENE  39.0000