Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Claim:KA 210 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:KA 205 * SANDRAL TUCKER NC IR 40.00S-08.00E-15-SESE 65.1000
IR 40.00S-08.00E-15-SESE 71.0000
CLAIM:KA 1000 * DON BUFFINGTON 5/19/1905 NC IR 40.00S-08.00E-14-NWSE  12.5000
IR 40.00S-08.00E-14-SWSE  23.5000
CLAIM:KA 1002 * KLAMATH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 2/1/1883 NC IR 40.00S-08.00E-14-NWSE  12.5000
IR 40.00S-08.00E-14-SWSE  23.5000
PERMIT: G 15792 * ADY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT G-16226 G-15792 4/8/2004 NC IS 40.00S-08.00E-15-SESE 71.0000
INCHOATE: T 5225 CF (REG) * ROBERT FLOWERS S-6580 S-4123 6/16/1919 NC IR 40.00S-08.00E-15-SESE 73.0000
PERMIT: S 43334 * KLAMATH DRAINAGE DISTRICT S-55748 S-43334 4/25/1977 NC IR 40.00S-08.00E-14-NWSE  10.3000
IR 40.00S-08.00E-14-SWSE  22.2000