Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as App: G 16853

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:KA 1000 * DON BUFFINGTON 5/19/1905 NC IR 40.00S-12.00E-31-NESE  37.1000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-31-NENW  37.3000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-31-NWNE  40.8000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-31-NESW  0.2000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-31-NWSE  13.6000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-31-SENW  25.8000
IR 40.00S-12.00E-31-SWNE  37.7000
CERT:76381 OR * JOHN DARK G-12935 G-12432 76381 5/26/1992 NC IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-NENW  0.6000
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-NWNE  40.1000
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-SWNE  21.0000
PERMIT: G 16299 * G-16853 G-16299 5/16/2007 NC IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-NESE  2.5000
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-NENW  27.7900
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-NWNE  0.0700
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-NESW  0.0300
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-NWSE  13.3000
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-SENW  25.9000
IS 40.00S-12.00E-31-SWNE  22.2100
APP: P 77360 * I RODGERS P-77360 1/5/1995 NC LV 40.00S-12.00E-31-    
LV 40.00S-12.00E-31-    
LV 40.00S-12.00E-31-    
LV 40.00S-12.00E-31-    
LV 40.00S-12.00E-31-    
LV 40.00S-12.00E-31-    
LV 40.00S-12.00E-31-