Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as App: S 85075

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:SW 568 * JAMES DAGIT 7/30/1888 NC DO 28.00S-12.00W-25-    
CLAIM:SW 330 * BARBARA CARLSON 12/31/1889 NC LV 28.00S-12.00W-25-    
CLAIM:SW 331 * SUSAN ROBINSON 12/31/1889 NC LV 28.00S-12.00W-25-    
CLAIM:SW 568 * JAMES DAGIT 7/30/1888 NC LV 28.00S-12.00W-25-    
CERT:73114 OR * OREGON WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT IS-72809 73114 9/8/1992 NC F3 28.00S-12.00W-25-SWSW   
CERT:39382 OR * D J/EVELYN KIRKLAND S-39507 S-29400 39382 2/14/1964 NC DO 28.00S-12.00W-25-SWSW 5 
IR 28.00S-12.00W-25-SWSW 56.7000
CERT:84384 OR * JAMES GODFREY S-85075 S-53897 84384 3/14/2002 NC HC 28.00S-12.00W-25-SWSW