Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:85603 ( RR) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:93971 (T 12234 RR) * SEVEN HILLS PROPERTIES LLC G-16322 G-15883 93971 10/8/2004 NC IR 05.00N-35.00E-05-NWNW  6.8000
IR 05.00N-35.00E-05-NWNE  30.7000
IR 05.00N-35.00E-05-NENW  35.4000
CERT:95156 CF * SEVEN HILLS PROPERTIES LLC G-16322 G-15883 95156 10/8/2004 NC IR 05.00N-35.00E-05-NWNW 26.8000
IR 05.00N-35.00E-05-NWNE 230.7000
IR 05.00N-35.00E-05-NENW 235.4000
CERT:85727 ( RR) CR * SEVEN HILLS PROPERTIES LLC S-37415 S-29083 85727 2/21/1962 NC IS 05.00N-35.00E-05-NWNW  3.0000
IS 05.00N-35.00E-05-NWNE  12.0000
IS 05.00N-35.00E-05-NENW  26.3000