Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 16677 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:96889 OR * PORT OF MORROW G-13264 G-17516 96889 1/22/1993 NC IM 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE   
CERT:79926 CF * GAIL MCGARRY S-237 S-408 79926 3/28/1909 NC IR 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE  0.1000
IR 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE  22.0000
CERT:87872 OR * GAIL MCGARRY S-9668 S-7400 87872 7/1/1924 NC IS 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE  22.1000
CERT:79929 CF * WEST EXTENSION IRRIGATION DISTRICT S-45384 S-33883 79929 9/12/1968 NC IS 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE  0.1000
IS 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE  22.0000
CERT:72311 OR * U.S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION S-69635 S-50748 72311 6/3/1988 NC F5 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE   
APP: S 89258 * JAKE MADISON S-89258 8/12/2022 NC IR 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE  40.0000
APP: S 89259 * MID-COLUMBIA WATER COMMISSION S-89259 8/12/2022 NC IR 04.00N-25.00E-15-SESE  40.0000