Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Order: Vol:84 Page:100 Approved

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:83810 ( RR) * JOHN CLARK NORTH POWDER RIVER (F) 83810 12/31/1904 NC DO 07.00S-38.00E-17-SESE   
IR 07.00S-38.00E-17-SESE  6.0000
LV 07.00S-38.00E-17-SESE   
PERMIT: G 18894 * KYLE ROWLAND G-19212 G-18894 10/18/2021 NC IS 07.00S-38.00E-17-SESE  13.3000
CERT:3202 OR * J.R. LONG S-807 S-386 3202 7/1/1910 NC ID 07.00S-38.00E-17-SESE  17.0000
CERT:49088 OR * DORIK V MECHAU S-42660 S-31882 49088 8/17/1966 NC IS 07.00S-38.00E-17-SESE  6.0000
CERT:49148 OR * DORIK V MECHAU S-42742 S-31924 49148 8/30/1966 NC IS 07.00S-38.00E-17-SESE  9.5000