Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Order: Vol:87 Page:83 Approved

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
APP: P 79454 * DAVID M GUILLORY P-79454 12/8/1994 NC LV 35.00S-01.00W-34-    
APP: P 80776 * LOUIS R SCHAEF P-80776 12/11/1995 NC LV 35.00S-01.00W-34-    
CERT:44613 OR * JOHN E BARGON R-49176 R-5984 44613 4/24/1972 NC IS 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW   
CERT:70029 OR * FRANK L DAVENPORT R-76040 70029 1/1/1993 NC FI 35.00S-01.00W-34-    
LV 35.00S-01.00W-34-    
CERT:89373 CF ( RR) * EAGLE POINT IRRIGATION DISTRICT S-8358 S-6396 89373 8/21/1915 NC IR 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW  0.2000
IR 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW  6.6000
IR 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW  1.6000
IR 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW  1.7000
IR 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW  1.4000
IR 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW  0.0000
CERT:87432 (T 11327 RR) * JOHN BARTON S-49177 S-36864 87432 4/24/1972 NC IS 35.00S-01.00W-34-SENW  0.9000