Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Inchoate: T 6087 CF (REG) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:4256 OR * ARMINDA JACKSON POWDER RIVER 4256 12/31/1869 NC IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-NWSE  2.2500
IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-SWSE  0.2200
CERT:82422 ( RR) * W BOWERS POWDER RIVER, CONSOLIDATED 82422 12/31/1887 NC IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-   2.0000
IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-   2.0000
CERT:37404 OR * CLARENCE PEEPLES G-3128 G-2928 37404 6/8/1965 NC IS 09.00S-40.00E-20-SWSE  0.4000
CERT:72216 CF * CONDON J VAN HOOMISSEN G-4859 G-4548 72216 5/1/1969 NC IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-NWSE  5.0000
IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-SWSE  3.0000
CERT:5303 OR * WILLIAM A JACKSON S-7831 S-5012 5303 4/6/1921 NC IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-SWSE  7.5000
CERT:10663 OR * W J JONES S-13565 S-9735 10663 7/10/1930 NC IR 09.00S-40.00E-20-SWSE  8.2000