Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as App: S 88210

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:GR 395 * NU HUYNH 3/31/1953 NC IR 05.00S-04.00W-27-SWNW  4.5000
CERT:96841 OR * ROSALBA GOFFENA R-87496 R-14830 96841 7/10/2009 NC MP 05.00S-04.00W-28-NESE48  
PERMIT: S 55011 * ROSALBA GOFFENA S-88210 S-55011 4/15/2016 NC IR 05.00S-04.00W-27-SWSW  5.3000
IR 05.00S-04.00W-28-SESE  21.5000
IR 05.00S-04.00W-27-SWNW  3.4500
IR 05.00S-04.00W-27-NWSW  8.6500
IR 05.00S-04.00W-28-SENE  0.1000
IR 05.00S-04.00W-28-NESE  26.0000