Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as App: IS 72173

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:4494 OR * EUGENE SULLIVAN POWDER RIVER 4494 NC IR 09.00S-46.00E-31-NWNW  12.0000
CERT:72199 ( RR) * DALY CREEK PASTORAL CO. POWDER RIVER, CONSOLIDATED 72199 7/12/1901 NC IR 09.00S-46.00E-31-NWNW  28.0000
CERT:87941 OR * OREGON WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT IS-72173 87941 1/29/1992 NC F3 09.00S-46.00E-31-NWNW   
F3 10.00S-45.00E-27-NESE   
CERT:72398 ( RR) * HOWELL DITCH CO. S-10637 S-7227 72398 3/12/1926 NC IS 09.00S-46.00E-31-NWNW  3.0000
CERT:94749 ( RR) * ALBERTA KENDALL S-16651 S-12423 94749 10/29/1936 NC IS 09.00S-46.00E-31-NWNW  0.3000
CERT:81986 OR * IDAHO POWER CO S-57454 S-43213 81986 5/25/1978 NC IS 09.00S-46.00E-31-NWNW  30.0000