Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:92006 (T 12286 RR) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:92004 (T 12286 RR) * WALTER JACOBSON S-41884 S-31337 92004 2/15/1966 NC IR 07.00S-39.00E-12-SWSE  10.0000
IR 07.00S-39.00E-12-SWNE  6.9000
IR 07.00S-39.00E-12-NWSE  19.2000
CERT:92005 (T 12286 RR) * FARM CREDIT BANK OF SPOKANE S-53061 S-42470 92005 4/29/1975 NC IS 07.00S-39.00E-12-SWSE  10.0000
IS 07.00S-39.00E-12-SWNE  6.2000
IS 07.00S-39.00E-12-NWSE  17.3000
CERT:64147 OR * FARM CREDIT BANK OF SPOKANE S-61406 S-46561 64147 3/17/1981 NC IR 07.00S-39.00E-12-SWSE  2.1000