Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:92277 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:34635 OR * A.J./FERN ROTH R-37102 R-2713 34635 9/20/1961 NC FI 04.00S-39.00E-05-NESW   
FI 04.00S-39.00E-05-NESW 5 
CERT:34636 OR * A.J./FERN ROTH S-34967 S-27696 34636 8/9/1961 NC FI 04.00S-39.00E-05-NESW   
FI 04.00S-39.00E-05-NESW 5 
IR 04.00S-39.00E-05-NESW 52.5000
IR 04.00S-39.00E-05-NESW  5.2000
IR 04.00S-39.00E-05-NWSW 46.1000
IR 04.00S-39.00E-05-NWSW  7.9000
CERT:90948 OR * EAGLES HOT LAKE RV PARK S-86532 S-54414 90948 3/30/2006 NC CM 04.00S-39.00E-05-NWSW