Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 18171 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:GR 3966 * DOUGLAS RAMBO 7/1/1953 NC IR 03.00S-03.00E-21-NENE  0.8000
CERT:32257 OR * RICHARD POLEHN G-2079 G-1910 32257 7/26/1961 NC IR 03.00S-03.00E-22-SWNW58 6.4000
IR 03.00S-03.00E-21-NENE58 8.0000
IR 03.00S-03.00E-22-NWNW58 6.8000
IR 03.00S-03.00E-21-SENE58 8.8000
CERT:91998 CF * POLEHN HEIGHTS WATER ASSOCIATION INC. G-11515 G-10673 91998 NC DN 03.00S-03.00E-22-SWNW58  
DN 03.00S-03.00E-22-NWSW58  
DN 03.00S-03.00E-21-NENE58  
DN 03.00S-03.00E-22-NWNW58  
DN 03.00S-03.00E-21-SENE58  
CERT:22809 OR * D H RAMBO S-26619 S-20844 22809 11/5/1951 NC IR 03.00S-03.00E-21-NENE61 0.8000
IR 03.00S-03.00E-21-SENE61 0.6000