Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 18184 CN

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
PERMIT: G 18310 * PONDEROSA PINES WATER CO. G-7020 G-18310 6/25/1975 NC GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-SENW   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-NENE   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-SENE   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-NESE   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-NENW   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-NWNE   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-NWNW   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-SWNW   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-NWSW   
PERMIT: G 18308 * PONDEROSA PINES WATER CO. G-9116 G-18308 2/2/1979 NC GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-SENW   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-NENW   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-NENE   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-SENE   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-NESE   
GD 22.00S-09.00E-01-NWNE   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-NWNW   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-SWNW   
GD 22.00S-10.00E-06-NWSW