Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 18349 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
INCHOATE: T 11366 CF (REG) * GORDON SATRUM G-4419 G-4046 5/29/1968 NC IR 05.00S-01.00E-10-NWNW  17.7000
IR 05.00S-01.00E-10-SWNW  6.6000
IR 05.00S-01.00E-10-SWNW  2.8000
IR 05.00S-01.00E-09-SENE  16.6000
IR 05.00S-01.00E-10-SENW  9.5000
INCHOATE: T 11366 CF (REG) * WILLAMETTE EGG FARMS G-5528 G-5414 5/27/1971 NC IR 05.00S-01.00E-10-NWNW  9.3000
IR 05.00S-01.00E-10-SWNW  4.3000
IR 05.00S-01.00E-10-SENW  14.8000
PERMIT: S 53860 * DANIEL EKENBARGER S-84800 S-53860 7/13/2001 NC AG 05.00S-01.00E-09-SENE