Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:95209 OR *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
APP: G 19028 * JAMES MEANS G-19028 9/16/2020 NC NU 03.00N-02.00W-13-SESE  33.8500
NU 03.00N-02.00W-13-NESE  17.6000
APP: P 75203 * JOHN HAVLIK P-75203 11/9/1994 NC LV 03.00N-02.00W-13-SESE   
PERMIT: R 13778 * SPRINGLAKE COMMUNITY INC. R-85703 R-13778 7/11/2003 NC MP 03.00N-02.00W-13-NESE   
CERT:72364 OR * JOSEPH GADOTTI S-69630 S-50679 72364 6/1/1988 NC IR 03.00N-02.00W-13-SESE44 3.9000
CERT:95453 OR * ORENCO RE S-85441 S-53955 95453 1/30/2003 NC NU 03.00N-02.00W-13-SESE39 11.0200
NU 03.00N-02.00W-13-SESE44 15.5800
NU 03.00N-02.00W-13-NESE39 14.2700