Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:95733 CF *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:79686 ( RR) * H BARCLAY G-1425 G-1300 79686 3/27/1959 NC IS 15.00S-10.00E-03-SWNW  6.4000
CERT:93281 (T 12509 RR) * EVERETT MELTON G-12347 G-11250 93281 12/17/1990 NC IR 15.00S-10.00E-03-SWNW  6.4200
CERT:95600 CF * ROGER JOHNSON G-12347 G-11250 95600 12/17/1990 NC IR 15.00S-10.00E-03-SWNW  3.0000
PERMIT: G 12717 * TONY BLOK G-14083 G-12717 6/5/1995 NC IR 15.00S-10.00E-03-SWNW  1.1000
CERT:79687 ( RR) * S LOWERY S-16174 S-11995 79687 12/6/1935 NC IS 15.00S-10.00E-03-SWNW  14.4000