Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 10775

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:89691 OR * BOEING AGRI INDUSTRIAL CO. G-11606 G-10775 89691 12/24/1986 NC IM 03.00N-24.00E-10-SESW   
IM 03.00N-24.00E-15-NENW   
PERMIT: G 18414 * THREEMILE CANYON FARMS LLC G-14827 G-18414 8/27/1998 NC IR 03.00N-24.00E-15-NENW  0.5000
CERT:76713 OR * BAIC INC S-54967 S-41314 76713 11/18/1976 NC IR 03.00N-24.00E-10-SESW  4.5000
IR 03.00N-24.00E-15-NENW  5.0000
PERMIT: S 41645 * THREEMILE CANYON FARMS LLC S-55439 S-41645 NC IR 03.00N-24.00E-10-SESW  20.0000
IR 03.00N-24.00E-15-NENW  20.1000
IS 03.00N-24.00E-15-NENW  20.1000
IS 03.00N-24.00E-10-SESW  20.0000
APP: S 89258 * JAKE MADISON S-89258 8/12/2022 NC IR 03.00N-24.00E-10-SESW  40.3000
IR 03.00N-24.00E-15-NENW  40.2000
APP: S 89259 * MID-COLUMBIA WATER COMMISSION S-89259 8/12/2022 NC IR 03.00N-24.00E-15-NENW  40.2000
IR 03.00N-24.00E-10-SESW  40.3000