Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Cert:96863 (T 13580 RR) *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:12874 OR * MARCUS/ROSE MCCOY WALLA WALLA RIVER 12874 12/31/1875 NC DS 06.00N-36.00E-30-    
DS 06.00N-36.00E-30-    
DS 06.00N-36.00E-30-    
DS 06.00N-36.00E-30-    
DS 06.00N-36.00E-30-    
DS 06.00N-36.00E-30-    
CERT:13086 OR * ROBERT MOORE WALLA WALLA RIVER 13086 12/31/1881 NC DS 06.00N-36.00E-31-  3 
DS 06.00N-36.00E-31-  3 
DS 06.00N-36.00E-31-  3 
INCHOATE: T 13580 CF (REG) * STEVE BRUERE G-4052 G-3800 8/25/1967 NC IR 06.00N-36.00E-32-NWNW  4.4000
CERT:53740 OR * MARTIN H BUCHANAN G-7166 G-6341 53740 11/28/1975 NC IR 06.00N-36.00E-32-NWNW  16.7000