Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 13383 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:GR 283 * ARTHUR STREBIN 12/1/1952 NC IR 01.00S-04.00E-07-NWNW  26.0000
IR 01.00S-04.00E-07-SWNW  40.0000
CERT:50000 OR * ELMER M STURM G-7302 G-6753 50000 3/22/1976 NC IR 01.00S-03.00E-12-NENE49 5.6000
IR 01.00S-03.00E-01-SESE49 14.6000
IR 01.00S-03.00E-01-SWSE49 5.6000
IR 01.00S-03.00E-12-NWNE49 2.6000
CERT:7747 OR * M. TAMURA S-10358 S-8052 7747 8/27/1925 NC IR 01.00S-03.00E-12-SWNE  8.5000
IR 01.00S-03.00E-12-NWNE  7.5000
CERT:27574 OR * L F/A M BUROKER S-18214 S-13994 27574 6/21/1939 NC IR 01.00S-03.00E-12-NWNE50 0.2000
CERT:41468 OR * KAZUMA J TAMURA S-44190 S-32796 41468 10/24/1967 NC IS 01.00S-03.00E-12-SWNE50 8.0000
IS 01.00S-03.00E-12-NWNE50 7.5000