Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: G 13484

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:82024 OR * DONALD BRANTON G-8324 G-7601 82024 8/3/1977 NC GD 02.00S-10.00E-06-SWNE   
CERT:88981 OR * MEADOWS UTILITIES LLC G-14655 G-13484 88981 12/3/1997 NC CM 02.00S-10.00E-06-SWNE   
CM 02.00S-10.00E-06-SENE   
CERT:8190 OR * MRS JESSIE THOMAS S-9677 S-6475 8190 7/14/1924 NC DO 02.00S-10.00E-06-SENE   
IR 02.00S-10.00E-06-SENE  2.5000
CERT:10729 OR * JENNIE L MCMULLIN S-12691 S-9039 10729 4/29/1929 NC DO 02.00S-10.00E-06-SWNE   
CERT:82023 OR * DONALD BRANTON S-48891 S-36149 82023 4/5/1972 NC DO 02.00S-10.00E-06-SWNE   
CERT:82163 OR * CAROL KADING S-56896 S-42777 82163 12/2/1977 NC DO 02.00S-10.00E-06-SWNE