Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Claim:GR 1051 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:GR 1516 * D F KENNEDY 7/31/1948 NC IR 08.00S-04.00W-33-NWSE  16.0000
PERMIT: G 16914 * LUCKIAMUTE DOMESTIC WATER COOPERATIVE G-12706 G-16914 11/13/1991 NC QM 08.00S-04.00W-33-NESW   
QM 08.00S-04.00W-33-NWSE   
APP: G 19374 * ROSS PARATORE II G-19374 6/15/2023 NC IR 08.00S-04.00W-33-NESW  4.6000
IR 08.00S-04.00W-33-NWSE  1.2000
NU 08.00S-04.00W-33-NWSE  1.2000
NU 08.00S-04.00W-33-NESW  4.6000
PERMIT: R 15416 * JEREMIAH KEALIHER R-88733 R-15416 8/20/2019 NC MP 08.00S-04.00W-33-NESW   
CERT:38182 OR * H W PEYREE S-41968 S-31388 38182 3/10/1966 NC IR 08.00S-04.00W-33-NESW53 0.7000
IR 08.00S-04.00W-33-NWSE53 12.1000
PERMIT: S 54942 * DAVID SETNIKER S-87946 S-54942 12/9/2013 NC IR 08.00S-04.00W-33-NESW  3.0400