Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Claim:GR 4166 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:48291 OR * WILLIAM R PFAU G-6404 G-5991 48291 1/4/1974 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-25-SESW  0.6000
CERT:53544 OR * JAMES A RICKARD G-7310 G-6757 53544 3/29/1976 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-25-SWSE  2.0000
IR 06.00S-03.00W-25-SESW  2.6000
PERMIT: G 16094 * CITY OF KEIZER G-16433 G-16094 4/8/2005 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-25-SWSE  1.0000
CERT:27493 OR * C S ROGERS S-32366 S-25559 27493 6/4/1958 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-25-SWSE  9.7600
CERT:40310 OR * JAMES R/DOROTHY HASSELL S-41468 S-30959 40310 10/6/1965 NC IR 06.00S-03.00W-25-SESW  9.9000