Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as App: P 78359 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CERT:92355 OR * TANGENT INDUSTRIAL PARK 1 LLC G-14976 G-13803 92355 4/30/1999 NC IM 12.00S-03.00W-06-SENW   
IM 12.00S-03.00W-06-SWNW   
IM 12.00S-03.00W-06-NESW   
IM 12.00S-03.00W-06-NWSW   
IM 12.00S-03.00W-06-SESW   
IM 12.00S-03.00W-06-SWSW   
APP: G 19415 * KOOS SEED COMPANY G-19415 1/31/2024 NC IR 12.00S-03.00W-06-SENE  3.8000
APP: G 19416 * KOOS SEED COMPANY G-19416 1/31/2024 NC IR 12.00S-03.00W-06-NESE  6.7000
APP: P 79434 * JAMES E DUNNING P-79434 12/20/1994 NC LV 12.00S-03.00W-06-