Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: S 51382 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:SW 544 * BERTHA EBARB 6/1/1883 NC DN 26.00S-12.00W-06-   0.5000
CLAIM:SW 506 * CATCHING INLET DRAINAGE DISTRICT 12/31/1906 NC LV 26.00S-12.00W-06-    
CLAIM:SW 544 * BERTHA EBARB 6/1/1883 NC LV 26.00S-12.00W-06-    
CLAIM:SW 511 * RICHARD HEANEY 12/31/1894 NC LV 26.00S-12.00W-06-    
PERMIT: G 1389 * COOS BAY NORTH BEND WATER BOARD G-200 G-1389 1/3/1956 NC IM 26.00S-12.00W-06-SWSE   
PERMIT: R 8596 * REX MILLER R-63262 R-8596 1/11/1983 NC ST 26.00S-12.00W-06-SWSE   
PERMIT: R 11423 * RICHARD ELLERBY R-71761 R-11423 7/18/1991 NC ST 26.00S-12.00W-06-SWSE   
PERMIT: S 47295 * REX MILLER S-61873 S-47295 1/11/1983 NC IR 26.00S-12.00W-06-SWSE  0.5000