Places of Use from Water Rights in the Same Area

The following rights have acreage in the same quarter-quarter as Permit: S 51952 *

RightNameDecreeAppPermitCertPriorityStatusUseT-R-S-QQ DLCGov't LotAcres
CLAIM:SW 105 * BILL OMEARA 1/1/1908 NC IR 02.00N-02.00W-01-SWSW  2.3600
IR 02.00N-02.00W-12-NWNW  0.3200
IR 02.00N-02.00W-01-SESW  29.9000
IR 02.00N-02.00W-01-SWSE  17.5000
IR 02.00N-02.00W-12-SENW  0.5200
IR 02.00N-02.00W-12-NENW  30.6000
IR 02.00N-02.00W-12-SWNE  0.1000
IR 02.00N-02.00W-12-NWNE  9.7600
CERT:69198 OR * BILL OMEARA R-74418 69198 1/1/1993 NC AS 02.00N-02.00W-12-NWNW   
AS 02.00N-02.00W-01-SESW   
AS 02.00N-02.00W-12-NENW   
CERT:93229 OR * METRO; CONSERVATION PROGRAM R-84711 R-13162 93229 3/26/2001 NC FI 02.00N-02.00W-01-SWSE   
FI 02.00N-02.00W-12-NWNE   
WI 02.00N-02.00W-12-NWNE   
WI 02.00N-02.00W-01-SWSE